This is Simon Phipps' drafting pad, started January 2023.
- Follow @webmink@the.webm.ink in your ActivityPub client to be informed of new posts.
- Things here are usually the next step from a seed thought.
- They are not fully researched and are very likely to change significantly, maybe between visits.
- Constructive discussion is welcomed, but WriteFreely doesn't fully support ActivityPub so I don't see replies. To make sure I do, when you respond from Mastodon etc. please include
- Articles here usually migrate to the OSI blog or the Meshed Insights blog.
- This site replaces an earlier Plume site.
- Find the rest of the minkiverse via webm.ink.
If you would like to publish or commission an article or paper, please get in touch. You are also welcome to support the writing here.
© 2022-4 Meshed Insights Limited, text made available under CC-BY-ND, images made available under CC-BY-NC, all other rights reserved. Minimum attribution required is a working link to the original item on this site.